Institute of Agriculture
- Analyses of soil and peat
- Analyses of water
- Analyses of herbaceous forage and vegetative mass of plants (silage and biomass)
- Analyses of various feeds (cake/pulp, granulated and compound feed)
- Analyses of grain and flour quality
- Analyses of industrial crops (oilseed rape, potatoes, sugar beet, Jerusalem artichoke)
- Analyses of energy crops and various biofuels
- Analyses of digestate
- Analyses of manure, slurry and various substrates used as fertilizers
Please contact us: +370 612 43 147; +370 612 43 141
- Analyses of soil physical parameters
- Analyses of plant quality indicators
Please contact us +370 688 87 249; +370 686 49 431
- Seed and grain infection and quality analyses. Please contact us +370 674 64 207
- Microbiological analyses
- Microscopic microbial analyses
- Morphological identification of pathogens
Please contact us +370 615 49 346
- Testing of plant breeding material under controlled conditions. Please contact us +370 612 54 019
- Production of rhizogen (nitragine) (Kaunas distr.). Please contact us +370 685 30 442
- Production of rhizogen (nitragine) and mead yeast (Kėdainiai distr.). Please contact us +370 662 19 183
- Good experimental practice (GEP) trials. Please contact us +370 610 49 326,
- Field experiments on plant protection products, fertilizer efficacy, tillage technologies, suitability of varieties for Lithuania’s conditions and other agronomic research. Please contact us +370 610 49 326,
Institute of Horticulture
Agrochemical Research Laboratory
- Analyses of soil, peat, water and sewage, food, feed, pesticides and fertilizers
- Development of fertilization plans, liming plans
- Fundamental and applied research
Acreditation certificate
Please contact us:
Vėžaičiai Branch
- Provision of advice on liming, fertilizing, biological nitrogen fixation, soil tillage, soil and crop management practices, crop rotation, grassland husbandry, agroecology, weed control, and other questions.
- Production and distribution of nitragin (rhizogen) for legume crops.
- Organization of conferences, seminars and courses for farmers, agricultural companies, specialists of the advisory services and municipalities as well as lecturers from higher agricultural schools.
Please contact us +370 678 48 664
Vokė Branch
- Provision of advice on the issues of rational use of soils, conservation and reclamation of low-fertility soils, fertilization and liming.
- Provision of information on chemical disease and pest control measures.
- Provision of advice on the use of sewage sludge and sapropel for soil fertilization.
- Marketing of seeds of potatoes, winter rye, buckwheat, lupine, perennial grasses (sainfoin, red fescue), radish and of other registered plant varieties.
- Development of farming systems adapted to conventional and sustainable agriculture and non-traditional crop production.
- Provision of advice on the issues related to the development of organic farming in south-eastern Lithuania and cultivation of intensive varieties of plants in organic farms.
Please contact us +370 5 264 5439
Joniškėlis Experimental Station
- Growing and marketing of certified seeds of cereals and perennial grasses: spring wheat and barley, peas, winter wheat, red clover, organic peas, oats, spring barley and red clover.
- Good experimental practice (GEP) trials.
- Field experiments on plant protection products, fertilizer efficacy, tillage technologies, suitability of varieties for Lithuania’s conditions and other agronomic research.
Please contact us +370 451 38 382
Rumokai Experimental Station
- Contract research work. Please contact us +370 342 49 422