Projects of researcher teams
- “Kefir-fermented herbs in Alzheimer's disease and its associated gut dysbiosis”. Leader Dr. Paulina Martusevičė. 2024–2027.
- “Development and study of functional nanoparticles”. Leader Dr. Aistė Balčiūnaitienė. 2024–2027.
- “Brassicaceae cover crop fungistatic effect on diversity of soil microbial community and its function in nutrient uptake in wheat”. Leader Dr. Skaidrė Supronienė. 2024–2027.
- “Sensor data for enhanced soil properties prediction in Lithuanian agroclimatic zones”. Leader Dr. Renaldas Žydelis. 2024–2027.
“Tilia cordata Mill. and associated wil insect pollinators: diversity, abundance and genetic monitoring in protected forest areas”. Leader Dr. Virgilijus Baliuckas. 2023–2026.
- “From waste to resources: shrimp waste regeneration to sustainable antimicrobial products applied in agriculture”. Leader Dr. Karolina Barčauskaitė. 2023–2026.
“The management of mineral nutrition to control the quality and safety of post-harvest leafy vegetables” (NutriSafe). Leader Dr. Viktorija Vaštakaitė-Kairienė. 2023–2026.
- “Development of natural, biodegradable pigments for industrial polymers”. Leader Dr Jonas Viškelis. 2023–2026.
“Optimisation of legume nitrogen fixation and use in the organic farming ecosystem”. Leader Dr. Monika Toleikienė. 2022–2025.
- “Biodiversification of plant species and explication of corresponding precision agriculture technologies within nutrition-based approach”. Leader Dr. Giedrė Samuolienė. 2022–2025.
- “Cellular redox balance and protein expression based phenotyping of plant-endophyte interactions for development of plant biostimulant consortia”. Leader Dr. Danas Baniulis. 2022–2025.
“The potentialities of metallic nanoparticles application for leafy greens: biophysiochemical response and risk assessment”. Leader Prof. Dr. habil. Pavelas Duchovskis. 2021–2024.
“Environmental and genotype impacts on plant exosome characteristics and potential applications for cosmetics and pharmacy”. Leader Dr. Akvilė Viršilė. 2021–2024.
Completed projects

Research projects
- “Sustainable use of solid biofuel ash for the production of fertilizers and additional cementitious materials”. Leaders: Dr. Rimvydas Kaminskas (KTU), Dr. Karolina Barčauskaitė. 2022–2024.

Implementation of Postdoctoral internships in Lithuania, funded from the State budget
- “Microbiome dynamics in Lithuanian Ips typographus generations”. Supervisor Dr. Artūras Gedminas, post-doc Dr. Goda Mizerienė. 2024–2026.
- “Enhancing sustainable agriculture: Investigating legume-microbial interactions through stable isotopes and amino acid profiling”. Supervisor Dr. Monika Toleikienė, post-doc Dr. Raminta Skipitytė. 2024–2026.
- “Research and development of a bacterial nanocellulose biocomposite with broad and long-term antimicrobial activity”. Supervisor Prof. Dr. Pranas Viškelis, post-doc Dr. Aistė Balčiūnaitienė. 2022–2024.

Development of scientific competence of scientists, other researchers, and students through practical scientific activities funded by the European Union funds
Sub-activity “Development of students’ abilities in scientific research during semesters”
- “Isolation of microplastics from sewage sludge and their qualitative analysis”. Leader Dr. Karolina Barčauskaitė, student Dovilė Motiejauskaitė. 2023–2024.
- “Quantitative and qualitative analysis of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes in morphological parts of fibrous hemp”. Leader Dr. Romas Mažeika, student Algimanta Kundrotaitė. 2023–2024.
- “Isolation of exosomes from some botanical parts of medicinal and vegetable plants and evaluation of their biochemical activity and chemical composition”. Leader Dr. Audrius Pukalskas, student Ovidija Šataitė. 2023–2024.
- “Evaluation of the effect of zinc nanoparticles produced by different methods on the growth indicators, antioxidant system, and elemental composition of Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris L.)”. Leader Dr. Rūta Sutulienė, student Kamilė Stašytė. 2023–2024.
Students' summer scientific practice, financed from the State budget
- “The effect of essential oils and propolis on horticultural plant pathogens”. Leader Dr. Armina Morkeliūnė, student Aistė Drūtytė. 2024.
- “Virucidal effect of different fractions of copper oxide (CuO) nanoparticles on horticultural plant viruses in vitro”. Leader Dr. Ingrida Mažeikienė, student Laura Kairytė. 2024.
- “Assessment of plant and endophytic bacteria interaction using in vitro model system”. Leader Dr. Danas Baniulis, student Jokūbas Nagulevičius. 2024.
- “Effect of non-tillage methods on diversity of soil microbiota functions”. Leader Dr. Inga Tamošiūnė, student Miglena Zizaitė. 2024.
- “Natural disturbances and tree species composition changes in Norway spruce dominated stands”. Leader Dr. Povilas Žemaitis, student Ignas Neliubovas. 2024.
- “Expression of the MADS-box family genes during fruit-drop in contrast genotypes of apple-tree (Malus domestica)”. Leader Dr. Aurelijus Starkus, student Viktorija Žukauskaitė. 2024.
- “Expression profile of blackcurrant (R. nigrum) transcription factors under cold stress”. Leader Dr. Ana Dovilė Juškytė, student Emmanuel Gabriel Njoku. 2024.
- “The impact of bacterial antagonists on gene expression changes in fungal pathogens of Monilinia spp.” Leader Dr. Birutė Frercks, student Gabija Paškevičiūtė. 2024.
- “Extraction of main nutrients from organic origin materials using weak organic acids”. Leader Dr. Donata Drapanauskaitė, student Aiva Stankaitytė. 2024.
- “Disease resistance and nutritional value of different varieties of durum wheat”. Leader Dr. Danutė Jablonskytė-Raščė, student Mantas Damanauskas. 2024.
- “Studies on diseases of the grasses for the development of the adaptive genotypes”. Leader dr. Vilma Kemešytė, student Greta Kaupaitė. 2024.
- “Possibilities of apple replant disease mitigation by affecting the soil with biological means”. Leader Dr. Juozas Lanauskas, student Evelina Martišauskaitė. 2024.
- “Effects of allelopathic properties of Artemisia dubia Wall on seed germination energy and seed total germination of some traditional food plants”. Leader Dr. Jelena Ankuda, student Ugnė Mamonaitė. 2024.
Students' scientific practice during semesters, financed from the State budget
- “The application of fluorescence microscopy for microplastics characterization”. Supervisor Dr. Karolina Barčauskaitė, student Dovilė Motiejauskaitė. 2024–2025.
Support for the membership of scientific and business structures in international networks
- “Membership in the European Plant Sciences Association EPSO”. Leader Dr. Vita Tilvikienė. 2024–2026.
- “Membership in the European Institute of Innovation and Technology”. Leader Dr. Aistė Balčiūnaitienė. 2024–2026.
- “Membership in the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators”. Leader Dr. Monika Vilkienė. 2024–2026.
Projects funded by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania
The agriculture, food and fisheries research and development projects
- “Organic carbon in the soils of the country's regions – data digitization and modelling, measures for storage of carbon”. Leader Dr. Žydrė Kadžiulienė. 2024–2026.
- “The state of agricultural crop stands and yield forecasts in Lithuania”. Leader Dr. Virginijus Feiza. 2024–2026.
- “Identification of the origin of promising wine grape varieties under Lithuanian agroclimatic conditions and introduction of healthy propagating material”. Leader Dr. Birutė Frercks. 2024–2026.
- “Functional potential of soil microbiota for increasing the productivity of crop farms”. Leader Dr. Skaidrė Supronienė. 2024–2026.
“Identification and assessment of economic benefits of new or improved climate and environment-friendly measures to address soil acidification problems”. Leader Dr. Regina Repšienė. 2024–2025.
“Methodology for accounting of blooming weeds in the crop stands treated with plant protection products”. Leader Dr. Irena Deveikytė. 2024–2025.
Case study “Organic crop farms: innovations and experiences”. Leader Dr. Žydrė Kadžiulienė. 2024.
- “Search for apple cultivars suitable for cultivation with lower pesticide inputs”. Leader Dr. Juozas Lanauskas. 2023–2025.
- “Selection of genotypes and technological possibilities of cultivation of non-traditional plants of high nutritional value - lentils (Lens culinaris) and millet (Panicum miliaceum) in Lithuania”. Leader Dr. Monika Toleikienė. 2023–2025.
- “Study on the relationship between crop development stages and agroclimatic indicators”. Leader Dr. Renaldas Žydelis. 2023–2025.
- “Efficacy of plant protection products by reducing their doses”. Leader Dr. Roma Semaškienė. 2023–2025.
- “Application of sustainable farming practices in agricultural crops by using IPM tools”. Leader Dr. Roma Semaškienė. 2023–2024.
- “Long-term monitoring studies of soil agrochemical properties”. Leader Prof. Dr. habil. Gediminas Staugaitis. 2022–2023.
Completed projects
EIP activity group projects (Programme for the Lithuanian rural development 2014–2020)
“Implementation of a multipurpose strip till drill prototype for increasing soil sustainability and ecological advantage”. Leader Dr. Vidas Damanauskas. 2023–2025.
- “The use of the native plant species diversity to create natural landscape elements”. Leader Dr. Lina Šarūnaitė. 2023–2025.
- “The implementation of innovation for the elimination of soil compaction and the renovation of productivity in tramlines”. Leader Dr. Vidas Damanauskas. 2022–2024.
“Innovative postharvesting technologies to restore soil sustainability”. Leader Dr. Lina Šarūnaitė. 2022–2024.
Completed projects
Support for projects of the measure “Knowledge transfer and information activities” (Programme for the Lithuanian rural development 2014–2020)
- “Consulting service for forest owners”. Leader Dr. Benas Šilinskas. 2022–2025 m.
Completed projects
Support for the beekeeping sector in Lithuania
- “Studies on the composition of royal jelly proteins, produced by honey bees (Apis mellifera carnica)”. Leader Dr. Violeta Čeksterytė. 2024.
Completed projects
Applied research projects funded by the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania and its subordinate state institutions
- “Delineation of geographical transfer limits for the transferring of forest reproductive material of main forest tree species growing in Lithuania from other European Union and OECD countries, considering environmental conditions and climate change projections”. Leader Dr Kavaliauskas. 2024–2027.
- “Analysis of the possibilities for constructing multi-story residential buildings from engineered wood products in Lithuania”. Leader Dr. Marius Aleinikovas. 2024–2026.
- “Investigation of possibilities and preparation of recommendations for the application of Beauveria bassiana against Ips typographus as a measure to protect Norway spruce trees”. Leader Dr. Jūratė Lynikienė. 2024–2025.
- “Recovery assessment of the sessile oak in the Trakas forest sessile oak genetic reserve”. Leader Dr. Girmantė Jurkšienė. 2024–2025.
- “Implementation services for the Level II Intensive monitoring of forest condition”. Leader Dr. Vidas Stakėnas. 2024.
- “Maintenance and renewal of national plant genetic resources field collections”. Leaders: Dr. Algė Leistrumaitė and Dr. Eglė Norkevičienė. 2024.
- “CO2 emissions from drained and undrained forested peatlands and dead wood left in forests with different degrees of decay”. Leader Dr. Kęstutis Armolaitis. 2022–2024.
- “Beaver as bioindicator for assessing contamination of riparian forest buffer”. Leader Dr. Olgirda Belova. 2022–2025.
- “Study of the origin and genetic diversity of sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) spreading spontaneously in the forests of Lithuania and the application of breeding measures”. Leader Dr. Virgilijus Baliuckas. 2022–2025.
- “Changes in organic carbon stocks in forest floor and mineral topsoil layers in Scots pine stands of different age”. Leader Dr. Iveta Varnagirytė-Kabašinskienė. 2022–2024.
- “Monitoring methods of the socio-economic development of Lithuanian private forest owners”. Leader Dr. Mindaugas Škėma. 2022–2024.
- “Voluntary conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems in private forests: good practice of the European Union countries, priorities and motivations of Lithuanian private forest owners, possible financial incentive mechanisms”. Leader Dr. Diana Lukminė. 2022–2024.
- “Evaluation of European and Manchurian ash susceptibility to Hymenoscypus fraxineus, fungus that causes ash dieback, in Lithuania”. Leader Dr. Rita Verbylaitė. 2021–2024.
- “Increasing the overall resistance of Lithuania main forest tree species to pathogens by the innovative combination of genetic and physical methods”. Leader Dr. Vaida Sirgedaitė-Šėžienė. 2021–2024.
Completed projects
Projects of the measure for the progress of the science development no. 12-001-01-02-01 “Strengthen innovation ecosystems in science centers” of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports of the Republic of Lithuania
Support for identified start-up R&D projects
- “Preparing a quality application for an MSCA postdoctoral fellowship”. Leader Dr. Monika Vilkienė. 2024–2025.
- “Preparation of a postdoctoral internship application for career development”. Leader Dr. Lina Šarūnaitė. 2024–2025.
- “EIC Pathfinder open quality application preparation”. Leader Dr. Aistė Balčiūnaitienė. 2024–2025.
- “Preparing to submit an application according to the EH program invitation HORIZON-MISS-2024-SOIL-01-03 “Towards a dynamic monitoring system to assess status and spatiotemporal changes of soil erosion at European scale”. Leader Dr. Alvyra Šlepetienė. 2024–2025.
- “Preparing a quality application for an MSCA postdoctoral fellowship”. Leader Dr. Gintarė Šidlauskaitė. 2024–2025.
- “Preparing an application for submission according to the invitation of EH programme HORIZON-MISS-2024-SOIL-01-08 “Managing forest peat soils”. Leader Dr. Olgirda Belova, 2024–2025.
- “Improving technology for the production of good quality fodder legume grasses for a sustainable environment and food system”. Leader Dr. Aurelija Liatukienė. 2024–2025.
- “Sustainable environmentally friendly plant protection measures determination and application for horticultural plants”. Research and innovation. Leader Dr. Armina Morkeliūnė. 2024–2025.
- “Preparing an application for an MSCA postdoctoral fellowship”. Leader Dr. Urtė Stulpinaitė. 2024–2025.
- “Consortium formation and preparation for the WIDERA calls”. Leader dr. Monika Vilkienė. 2024–2025.
- “Search for strategic partners for a MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE Action postdoctoral fellowship and consortium formation for a Horizon Europe project application to pursue GHG reduction measures”. Leader: Dr. Rūta Sutulienė. 2024–2025.
“RTO Lithuania” projects
- “Sensor-based assessment of the effects of different types of zinc nanoparticles on leafy beet”. Coordinators: Dr. Rūta Sutulienė (LAMMC), Dr. Simona Tučkutė (LEI), Dr. Rasa Pauliukaitė (FTMC). 2023–2024.
- “Adapting urban green infrastructure to capture traffic-related microplastic particles for a healthier urban environment” (GREENURGI). Coordinators: Dr. Valda Araminienė (LAMMC), Dr. Steigvilė Byčenkienė (FTMC), Dr. Algis Džiugys (LEI). 2023–2024.
“Application of labelled 13C and 15N isotope methods for research of climate change mitigation potential of recent winter wheat genotypes and common mugwort” (Karboizotopas). Coordinators: Dr. Monika Toleikienė (LAMMC), Dr. Rūta Barisevičiūtė (FTMC), Dr. Stasė Irena Lukošiūtė (LEI). 2023–2024.
Completed projects
Other completed projects
Project under EU Structural Funds
Project funded under the EU Structural Funds Priority 1 “Promotion of Research, Experimental Development and Innovation” Measure 01.2.2-CPVA-K-703 “Promotion of Activities of Centres of Excellence and Centres for Innovation and Technology Transfer”
Projects funded by the Lithuanian Research Council
Grant for high-level researchers group project
Projects of the national research programme “Sustainability of agro-, forest and water ecosystems”
Projects funded by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania
Support for applied research