Home Lithuanian
Research centre
For agriculture
And forestry

Urtė Mečionė

ORCiD iD: 0000-0002-5678-9173
Tel. +370 636 20 394
E-mail: urte.mecione@lammc.lt
Instituto Ave. 1, Akademija, Kėdainiai dist., Lithuania


Since 2020 PhD studies in Agronomy, Lithuanian Research Centre of Agriculture and Forestry.

2020–2021 Agricultural Production Business Employee, Daugai Technology and Business School.

2018–2020 Master’s degree in Energy Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Vytautas Magnus University.

2016–2018 Assistant of the Social Worker, Daugai Technology and Business School.

2014–2018 Bachelor’s degree in Biomass Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Aleksandras Stuginskis University.

Research fields

  • Determining the energy characteristics of biofuel
  • Agronomy


Since 2019 PhD Studies Administrator, Department of Science and Innovation, LAMMC

Since 2020 PhD student at the Agrobiology Laboratory, Institute of Agriculture, LAMMC

Involvement in programmes and projects

  • 2022–2023 Project “Soil Ecosystem seRvices and soil threats modElling aNd mApping” (SERENA), junior researcher.
  • 2021–2023 Project “Management of target metabolites of industrial hemp for the development of COVID-19 symptom relief products” (TerpenCoTech), junior researcher.
  • 2020 Project “Enhancement of the multifunctional properties of legumes in feed and food value chains” (SmartLegume), coordinator.
  • 2019–2020 LMT project “Students' scientific research during free time after studies”.
  • 2018–2019 LMT project “Students' scientific research during free time after studies”.

SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (click the link here)
