Home Lithuanian
Research centre
For agriculture
And forestry

Vilma Gudynienė

Tel. +370 347 37 057
E-mail: vilma.gudyniene@lammc.lt; vilma.gudyniene@gmail.com
Instituto al. 1, Akademija, LT-58343 Kėdainiai dist., Lithuania



Since 2018 PhD studies, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry.

2008–2010 MSc studies (Botany), Vilnius University.

2004–2008 BSc studies (Biology and teacher qualification), Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences.

Research fields

  • Perennial flowering meadows design and restoration from native plants species from Festuco-Brometea erecti and Trifolio-Geranietea sanguinei classes
  • Seed germination of Festuco-Brometea erecti and Trifolio-Geranietea sanguinei classes species
  • Perennial meadows biomass productivity control with hemiparasites from Scropulariaceae family


Since 2018 PhD student, Department of Grass Breeding, Institute of Agriculture, LAMMC, dissertation topic “The usage of native plants species creating flowering meadows”.

Involvement in programmes and projects

  • 2014–2015 State Service for Protected Areas under the LR Ministry of Environment project “Ecological education in administrations for protected areas”, executor (writer).
  • 2011–2014 Ministry of Environment project “EU habitat inventory in Lithuania” (BIGIS), executor (botanist).
  • 2010–2011 Baltic Environmental Forum project “Securing sustainable farming to ensure conservation of globally threatened bird species in agrarian landscape” (Baltic Aquatic Warbler), coordinator, biodiversity conservation expert.
  • 2010–2011 Baltic Environmental Forum project “Developing preconditions for sustainable management of the curonian spit”, coordinator, biodiversity conservation expert.
  • Since 2007 Lithuanian Ornithological Society project “Common bird population monitoring project”, executor (ornithologist).

SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (click the link here)

Articles in journals indexed in Clarivate Analytics Web of Science database

  1. Gudyniene V., Juzenas S., Stukonis V., Mildaziene V. Ivankov A., Norkeviciene E. 2023.  Comparing non-thermal plasma and cold stratification: which pre-sowing treatment benefits wild plant emergence? Plants, 12 (18): 3220. IF – 4,5
  2. Gudyniene V., Juzenas S., Stukonis V., Norkeviciene E. 2021. Sowing mixtures of native plant species: are there any differences between hydroseeding and regular seeding? Plants, 10 (11): 2507. IF – 4,658

  3. Morkūnaitė R., Radžiūnienė J., Navickas K., Gudynienė V., Bautrėnas A. 2016. Assessment of degradation of white and grey dune habitats in the Curonian spit: A case study of Parnidis Dune (Nida environs, Lithuania). Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, 60 (1): 75–87. IF – 1,103

Monographs, books, textbooks and their sections published by international publishers

  1. Gudynienė V. 2015. Guide Book Salantai Regional Park.
  2. Gudynienė V. 2015. Guide Book Aukštadvaris Regional Park.
  3. Gudynienė V. 2015. Guide Book Dubysa Regional Park.
  4. Baltic Environmental Forum Lithuania. 2010. Different Farming – respect for the person, respect for the animal, respect for nature.