ORCiD iD: 0000-0002-9581-3017
E-mail: sofija.jankauskiene@lammc.lt
Studentų St. 15A, Akademija, Kaunas dist., Lithuania
1981–1986 scientific agronomist, Faculty of Agronomy, Lithuanian Academy of Agriculture (since 2019 Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy).
Academic degree
1993 Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Agronomy, dissertation “The influence of fertilization and soil agrochemical properties on flax yield”.
Research fields
- Fertilisation of fibre flax, influence of soil agrochemical properties on flax yield
- Research on the technologies of fibre flax and linseed cultivation (protection against weeds, insects and diseases) and harvesting
- Investigation of acceleration of flax dew retting by various means (biological, chemical, and mechanical)
- New methods of flax fibre research, physiological parameters of flax
- Study of physiological parameters of industrial hemp and stinging nettle fibres
- Collection and research of fibre flax and linseed genetic resources
- Research on alternative oilseed plants (false flax (Camelina sativa), crambe (Crambo abyssinica), safflower (Carthamus tinctorius), eruca (Eruca sativa), etc.) and demonstration trials
- Research on alternative fibre plants (industrial hemp, stinging nettle) growing and harvesting technologies and their multipurpose usage (non-textile application of fibre, seeds and oil for food, cosmetics, medicine, shives for building, energy, etc.)
- Fibre flax and linseed breeding and primary seed multiplication: collection and investigation of Lignum usitatissimum accessions, investigation and evaluations of breeding lines via breeding process, development of new fibre flax and linseed varieties, transfer of accession to Plant Gene Bank
- Non-food plants and their usage
Since 2017 Senior Researcher of project, Laboratory of Agrobiology, LAMMC
Memberships and affiliations with professional organisations
- Member of the Association of Advancement of Industrial Crops (AAIC)
- Member of the Lithuanian Herbology Society
- Member of the European Cooperative Research Network on Flax and other Bast Plants (ESCORENA).
Involvement in programmes and projects
- 2017–2020 ES H2020 RUR-10-2016-2017 project “A thematic network to design the penetration PAth of Non-food Agricultural Crops into European Agriculture” (PANACEA), partner.
- 2014–2015 Project “Business assistant – the promotion of business including the competencies of technology parks and valleys“ (No. VP2-2.2-ŪM-02-K-01-030), partner.
- 2012–2015 ES FP7- KBBE project “Fibre crops as a sustainable source of bio-based material for industrial products in Europe and China“ (FIBRA), partner.
- 2005 Programme for preserving plant genetic resources in Europe, partner.
- 2005–2006 Research groups project (with Institute of Botany) “Investigation of micromycetes, suitable for acceleration of flax dew-retting process”, partner.
- 2001–2005 COST 847 Textile Quality and Biotechnology, partner in two working groups (1. Production and quality of flax (QUALITY) and 2. Biotechnical processing of bast fibres (BAST FIBRES).
- 1994–1997 PHARE project “Assistance to flax husbandry in Lithuania”, partner.
Supervision PhD studies
- 2004–2007 Scientific Supervisor of the PhD student Marius Balčiūnas scientific work “The dynamics of fibre flax biometrical and physiological parameters” (the dissertation was not defended).
Plant varieties developed (co-author)
- 2014 fibre flax variety ‘Audriai’
- 2013 linseed variety ‘Rūta’
- 2012 linseed varieties ‘Edita’ and ‘Rasa’
- 2009 fibre flax varieties ‘Snaigiai’, ‘Dangiai’, and ‘Sartai’
SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (click the link here)