Home Lithuanian
Research centre
For agriculture
And forestry

Dr. Donata Drapanauskaitė

ORCiD iD: 0000-0003-0302-5652
Tel. +370 647 683 18
E-mail: donata.drapanauskaite@lammc.lt
Studentų 15A-328, Akademija, Kaunas dist., Lithuania


2016–2020 PhD studies, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry.

2012–2014 Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Kaunas University of Technology.

2008–2012 Bachelor’s degree in Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Kaunas University of Technology.

Academic degree

2020 Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (Agronomy), dissertation “Effect of different chemical composition and structure of liming materials on acid soil neutralizing”.

Research fields

  • Chemical composition and structure of liming materials
  • Mineral fertilisers and soil improvement materials


Since 2022 Senior Researcher, Agrobiology Laboratory, Institute of Agriculture, LAMMC.

Involvement in programmes and projects

  • 2022–2026 LAMMC research program “Biopotential of plants for multicunctional use and sustainability of agroecosystems”, task 4 “Use of non-food plant waste in the production of bioadsorbents and wastewater treatment”, executor.
  • 2021–2023 EU H2020 EJP SOIL project “External organic matters for climate mitigation and soil health” (EOM4SOIL), researcher.
  • 2021 Interinstitutional project “Plant nutrients recovery using secondary raw materials”, researcher.
  • 2020–2023 EEA Baltic Research Program project “Sustainable Use of Soil Resources for Climate Change” (SUCC), junior researcher.

SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (click the link here)
