Home Lithuanian
Research centre
For agriculture
And forestry

Dr. Skaidrė Supronienė

ORCiD iD: 0000-0002-1457-2611  
Tel. +370 615 49 346
E-mail: skaidre.suproniene@lammc.lt
Studentu st. 15A, Akademija, 53362 Kaunas dist., Lithuania



2004–2008 PhD’s degree in Agronomy, Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture and Lithuanian University of Agriculture. 

2002–2004 Master’s degree in Agronomy, Faculty of Agronomy, Lithuanian University of Agriculture (since 2019 Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy). 

1997–2002 Bachelor’s degree in Agronomy, Faculty of Agronomy, Lithuanian University of Agriculture.

Academic degree

2009 Doctor of Biomedcal Sciences (Agronomy), dissertation "Factors affecting the spread of fungi of the genus Fusarium and the accumulation of mycotoxins in cereal grains". 

Research fields

  • Identification of plant pathogens and factors influencing their occurrence
  • Microbiological contamination of plant-based raw material
  • Functional activity of soil microorganisms under the influence of different soil and crop management practices
  • Establishment of plant pathogens in the agroecosystems and their interaction with antagonistic microorganisms


Since 2017 Chief Researcher, Head of Microbiology Laboratory, Institute of Agriculture, LAMMC

Involvement in programmes and projects


  • 2022–2024 Horizon 2020 project “AGROECOlogical strategies for an efficient functioning of plant - soil biota interactions to increase SOC sequestration” (AGROECOseqC), coordinator at the Institute of Agriculture.
  • 2017–2018 Swedish Institute (SI) Baltic Sea Cooperation project “Cooperation in the Baltics on the development of strategies to foresee outbreaks of Fusarium damage” (DSS Fusarium), coordinator.
  • 2015–2017 “CORE Organic Plus FertilCrop – Managing fertility building in organic cropping systems”, participant.


  • 2024–2026 The agriculture, food and fisheries research and development project, supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, “Functional potential of soil microbiota for increasing the productivity of crop farms”, leader. 
  • 2020–2022 Measure 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 „Development of scientific competences of scientists, other researchers and students through practical research activities“, project “Toxigenicity of Fusarium graminearum residing in alternative host-plants to wheat as influenced by the environmental conditions” (Dr. Sigita Janavičienė post-doctoral fellowship studies), coordinator.
  • 2020–2021 National Science Program “Sustainability of agricultural, forest and water ecosystems”, project “Management of greenhouse gas emissions via adjustment of nitrogen flows in agrosystem” (MANGHG), participant.
  • 2017–2021 High level R&D Project (SMART) funded by the Lithuanian Research Council „Enhancement of the multifunctional properties of legumes in feed and food value chains (SmartLegume), participant.
  • 2015–2018 National Science Program “Sustainability of agricultural, forest and water ecosystems”, project “Establishment and diversity of a newly emerging cereal pathogen in the agroecosystem under the influence of changing climate and farming practices” (EDNEPA), participant.
  • 2015–2017 International Research and Technology Development, supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, project “Management of productivity formation in organic crop production system”, participant.
  • 2014–2015 A project on scientific knowledge and innovative practice dissemination funded by the National Paying Agency under the Lithuanian Ministry of Agriculture “Technology improvement for statics control of winter and spring wheat crops aimed at achieving higher grain yield of better quality”, participant.
  • 2014–2015 Project “The research of advantages/disadvantages of the quality of certified seeds and development of the recommendations for the latest methods allowed to be used in organic production”, supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, participant.
  • 2014–2015 Project “Investigation of the Effect of Fibre Hemp as a Preceding Crop on Cereal Diseases and Pest Control” supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, participant.
  • 2014–2015 National research program “Healthy and Safe Food”, project “Chemotype composition, pathogenicity & control of trichothecene producing Fusarium spp. in cereals” (TRICHEMOTIPAI), coordinator.
  • 2013–2014 Project “The incidence of fungi of Fusarium genus and metabolites produced by them in grain” supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, participant.
  • 2011–2013 Lithuanian Program on the Development of Industrial Biotechnology, project “New antimicrobial lactic acid bacteria bio-product intended for health improvement of organically produced grain”.
  • 2011–2012 Project “Prospects for disease and pest control in arable crops in the context of sustainable use of pesticides” supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, participant.
  • 2008–2010 National program “Research on genomic studies of economically important insects, mites and fungi populations in the Baltic region”, project “Population genetic analysis of pest insects, mites and fungi of economic importance in the Baltic region” (GENŪKIS), participant.
  • 2006–2007 State Science and Studies Foundation within the priority area “High quality, safe and ecologically clean food technologies“, project “Regularities of mycotoxins accumulation in food and development of preventive safety measures” (MIKOTOKSINAS), participant.

Supervision of PhD studies and post-doctoral internship

  • 2023–2027 Supervisor of the PhD student Neringa Matelionienė, topic “The effects of crop diversification on soil-borne pathogens in no-tillage system”.
  • 2021–2025 Supervisor of the PhD student Shervin Hadian, topic “Population structure and diversity of endophytic bacteria from Artemisia spp. plants and their potential in sustainable agriculture”.
  • 2021–2025 Supervisor of the PhD student Justina Kaziūnienė, topic “Selection of competitive and efficient Rhizobium spp. strains for different Pisum sativum genotypes”.
  • 2020–2024 Supervisor of the PhD student Arman Shamshitov, topic “Characterisation of soil microbiota decomposing the plant residues in cereal-based cropping system”.
  • 2020–2025 Supervisor of the PhD student Evelina Zavtrikovienė topic “Phenotypic diversity and harmfulness to wheat of Fusarium species residing in non-gramineous plants”.
  • 2020–2022 Supervisor of postdoctoral internship of dr. Sigita Janavičienė, topic “Toxigenicity of Fusarium graminearum residing in alternative hostplants to wheat as influenced by the environmental conditions”.
  • 2018–2022 Scientific advisor of the PhD student Modupe Olufemi Doyeni, topic “The influence of digestate fertilization on the biomass productivity and quality of energy crops and on the composition of soil microorganisms”. (Dissertation defended)
  • 2013–2017 Supervisor of the PhD student Karina Stumbrienė, topic “Distribution of Fusarium graminearum fungi, structure of chemotypes, pathogenicity and control in wheat grown in Lithuania”. (Dissertation defended)
  • 2013–2020 Supervisor of the PhD student Jurgita Kelpšienė, topic “Investigations of physiological properties of pathogens and their distribution in biological sources”.
  • 2013–2015 Supervisor of the PhD student Jovita Mikaliūnienė, topic “Resistance of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) to fungal diseases and their qualitative indicators”. (Dissertation defended)
  • 2012–2016 Scientific advisor of the PhD student Akvilė Jonavičienė, topic “Causal agents of seedling blight (Fusarium spp., Microdochium spp.) and snow mould (Microdochium spp.) – their occurrence and damage in cereals”. (Dissertation defended)
  • 2011–2015 Supervisor of the PhD student Neringa Rasiukevičiūtė, topic “Genetic and phenotypic diversity of Botrytis spp. from strawberry and onion, diseases forecasting and control”. (Dissertation defended)

SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (click the link here)













