ORCiD iD: 0000-0002-0358-0181
Tel. +370 607 25 027
E-mail: andrius.aleliunas@lammc.lt
Stoties St. 2, Akademija, LT-58343 Kėdainiai dist., Lithuania
2012–2016 PhD studies in Agronomy, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry.
2010–2012 M.Sc studies in Genetics, Vilnius University.
2009 B.Sc. in studies in Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Vilnius University.
Academic degree
2017 Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (Agronomy), dissertation “Identification of functional markers for freezing tolerance in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.)”.
Research fields
Since 2023 Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Genetics and Physiology, Institute of Agriculture, LAMMC
Involvement in programmes and projects
2023–2027 HORIZON EUROPE project “Breeding European Legumes for Increased Sustainability” (BELIS), participant.
2023–2027 COST Action project CA22136 “Pan-European Network of Green Deal Agriculture and Forestry Earth Observation Science” (PANGEOS), participant.
2023–2026 NORDFORSK project “Upscaling crop performance monitoring by linking satellite and field biosignatures” (UPSCALE), participant.
2023–2024 Swedish Institute (SI) project “Portfolio of technology transfer for acceleration and improvement of wheat breeding activities in Ukraine”, participant.
2021–2023 Baltic research programme “NOBALwheat – breeding toolbox for sustainable food system of the NOrdic BALtic region”, participant.
2019–2023 COST Action project CA18111 “Genome editing in plants – a technology with transformative potential” (PlantEd), substitute representative in Lithuania.
SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (click the link here)