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Research centre
For agriculture
And forestry

Dr. Rita Armonienė

ORCiD iD: 0000-0002-8792-8156
Tel. +370 612 54 019
Email: rita.armoniene@lammc.lt
Instituto al. 1, Akademija, LT-58344 Kėdainiai dist., Lithuania
ResearchGate: http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rita_Armoniene


2010–2014 PhD studies, Institute of Agriculture, Aleksandras Stulginskis University (since 2019 Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy) with LAMMC.

2008–2010 Master degree in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Vytautas Magnus University.

2004–2008 Bachelor degree in Biology, Vytautas Magnus University. 

Academic degree

2014 Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (Agronomy), dissertation “Freezing tolerance in winter wheat: gene identification and analysis”. 

Research fields

  • Plant adaptation to abiotic and biotic stress, gene identification and expression analysis
  • DNA marker development and application in wheat breeding
  • Identification of genes and its confirmation role in cold acclimation process in winter wheat using mutational genomics
  • Implementation of low cost high-throughput phenotyping tools for imaging and analysis of cereal crops


Since 2023 Chief Researcher, Institute of Agriculture, LAMMC.

Since 2020 Head of Laboratory of Genetics and Physiology, Institute of Agriculture, LAMMC.

Memberships and affiliations with professional organisations

  • Since 2021 Member of the European Association for Research on Plant Breeding (EUCARPIA).
  • 2019–2023 Member of Junior Academy of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences.

Involvement in programmes and projects

  • 2023–2027 HORIZON EUROPE project “Breeding European Legumes for Increased Sustainability” (BELIS), coordinator at LAMMC.
  • 2023–2027 COST action CA22136 “Pan-European Network of Green Deal Agriculture and Forestry Earth Observation Science” (PANGEOS), coordinator at LAMMC.
  • 2023–2026 NORDFORSK project “Upscaling crop performance monitoring by linking satellite and field biosignatures” (UPSCALE), coordinator at LAMMC.
  • 2023–2025 Swedish Institute (SI) Baltic Sea Neighbourhood Programme project “SORG4NOBAL: Introduction of climate-resilient sorghum for the mitigation of eutrophication and pesticide pollution in the Baltic Sea region”, coordinator at LAMMC.
  • 2023–2024 Swedish Institute (SI ) project “Portfolio of technology transfer for acceleration and improvement of wheat breeding activities in Ukraine”, coordinator at LAMMC.
  • 2021–2023 Baltic research programme “NOBALwheat – breeding toolbox for sustainable food system of the NOrdic BALtic region”, participant.
  • 2019–2020 “Survey of the environmental risk assessment of GMOs”, participant.
  • 2018–2019 EPPN2020 // Transnational Access project: “Analysis of physiological and biochemical characteristics of winter wheat Sucrose synthase1 (SS1) nonsense mutants during cold acclimation”, supervisor.
  • 2017–2021 High level R&D project (SMART) funded by the Lithuanian Research Council “Development of winter wheat varieties for amylose-free starch and vital gluten processing”, participant.
  • 2017–2020 “Baltic Sea Region network for sustainable wheat production (BALTICWHEAT)”, coordinator in the Institute of Agriculture, LAMMC.

Supervision of PhD studies

  • Since 2022 Scientific Supervisor of the PhD student Mohsin Ali's scientific work “Evaluation of spring wheat adaptability to abiotic stress using sensor-based phenotyping tools”.
  • Since 2020 Scientific Supervisor of the PhD student Gabija Vaitkevičiūtė scientific work “The impact of metabolite profiles on freezing tolerance in winter wheat under changing climate”.

SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (click the link here)
