ORCiD iD: 0000-0001-5383-9529
Tel. +370 612 43141
E-mail: alvyra.slepetiene@lammc.lt
Instituto al. 1, Akademija, LT-58344 Kėdainiai dist., Lithuania
1993–1997 Doctoral studies, Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture (since 2010 Institute of Agriculture, LAMMC).
1976–1981 Chemist lecturer of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Vilnius University.
Academic degrees and pedagogical titles
2008 Habilitation procedure based on the summary of research papers “Soil organic matter composition and its changes in agro-environment”.
1997 Doctor of Biomedical Sciences (Agronomy), dissertation “Soil organic carbon composition and it‘s changes in agro-environment”.
Research fields
- Research of the variation of chemical composition of soil, agricultural and medicinal plants, vegetables, grasses, cereals, raw materials, forage, silage, energy crops as evaluation influenced by different land management practices and climate conditions
- Studies of the chemical composition of by-products of biogas production and their influence on the soil properties
- Assesment of meteorological and climate conditions, antropogenic activity on the soil organic carbon sequestration
- Studies of soil carbon composition, resistance to degradation by interacting with the mineral part of the soil and the formation of humified compounds
- Application and modernisation of traditional analytical and bioanalytical methods, expanding their applicability and assessing the accuracy of the obtained data
Since 2010 Chief Researcher, Head of Chemical Research Laboratory, Institute of Agriculture, LAMMC.
Memberships and affiliations with professional organisations
- Member of the Doctoral Studies Committee of Agricultural Sciences: Agronomy (LAMMC and VMU)
- Member of Lithuanian Soil Science Society
- Member of International Humic Substances Society (IHSS)
- Member of Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists (NJF)
- Member of International Soil Tillage Research Organisation (ISTRO)
- 2009 Member of Organising Committe of International Nordic-Baltic IHSS conference (Estonia)
- 2022 Chairman of the Comission of the bachelor's final works defence, VMU.
- Member of the Doctoral Studies Committee of Agricultural Sciences, Agronomy, LAMMC and VMU.
- 2021 Member of the Self-evaluation Group of the Study Program (VMU) (Food Studies 06).
- 2021 Member of Food Quality and Safety Program Commitee for the First Cycle Study Programm, VMU.
- 2021 Member of Food Quality and Safety Program Commitee for the Second Cycle Study Programm, VMU.
- 2021 Chairman of the Comission of the bachelor's final works defence, VMU.
- 2021 Chairman of the Comission of the magistra's final works defence, VMU.
- 2021 Chairman of the Comission of the magistra's Food Quality and Safety Program final works defence, VMU.
- 2020 Comitee Member of Food Quality and Safety of Plant Row-materials Program for the first Cycle Study Programm, VMU.
- 2020 Comitee Member of Food Quality and Safety of Plant Row-materials Program for the second Cycle Study Programm, VMU.
- 2020 Chairman of the Comission of the bachelor's Food Quality and Safety Program final works defence, VMU.
Involvement in programmes and projects
- 2022–2026 LAMMC Research Program “Productivity and Sustainability of Agrogenic and Forest soils”, scientific executor.
- 2022–2025 Horizon 2020 program project EJP SOIL internal program project “Optimizing roots for sustainable crop production in Europe - pure cultures and cover crops” (MaxRoot-C), promoter, chief researcher.
- 2022–2025 Horizon 2020 program project EJP SOIL internal program project “Are mixed species systems fostering belowground C inputs and C sequestration?” (MIXROOT-C), promoter, chief researcher.
- 2021–2024 Horizon 2020 EJP SOIL 2-nd internal call project “Agroecological strategies for an efficient functioning of plant-soil biota interactions to increase SOC sequestration” (AGROECOseqC), promoter, chief researcher.
- 2017–2022 Project “Quality diagnostics of biogas production by-product (digestate) for innovative use as a biofertilizer”, superviser, chief researcher.
- 2017–2021 LAMMC Research Program “Productivity and Sustainability of Agriculture and Forest soils”, scientific executor.
- 2017–2020 “Quality and risk assessment of conserved forages aimed at ensuring high feeding-value forage and well-being for dairy cattle”, executor, chief researcher.
- 2015–2018 Lithuanian Council of Science National Research Programme “Sustainability of Agro, Forest and Water Ecosystems” project “The influence of long-term contrasting intensity resources management on genesis of different soil and to other agroecosystems components” (AGROTVARA), scientific executor, chief researcher.
- 2014–2015 Lithuanian Rural Development Programme project “Innovative bean plant growing technologies enriching local protein feed and biological soil nitrogen”, scientific executor.
- 2013 Lithuanian Rural Development Programme project “Use of Cereals and Other Resources in the Sustainable Agriculture System”, scientific executor.
- 2012–2013 Lithuanian Ministry of Education and Science project “The consolidation of university knowledge and technology communication ability” (UNIGEB), scientific executor.
- 2012–2014 Lithuanian Council of Science project (No. MIP-039/2002) “Soil carbon stability in agrarian and protected areas” (CARBOSTABILIS), project leader, chief researcher.
- 2012–2015 ESF project “Scientific validation of C3 and C4 herbaceous plants multifunctionality for innovative technologies: phyto-raw materials – bioproducts – environmental effects”, scientific leader, chief researcher.
- 2011–2012 Ministry of Agriculture research development program “Crop Development” project “Quality assessment of country produced preserved herbal feed for cattle by spectrometry method”, leader, scientific executor.
- 2011–2012 Project (No. 1PM-PV-10-1-003087-PR001) “Introduction of scientifically based cultivation technologies for food and feed crops on farms in order to preserve soil fertility”, executor.
- 2007 Project (No. T-07206) “Changes in carbon stability and sequestration as land use conversion occurs”, leader, chief researcher.
- 2001–2005 EU Scientific Program COST 627 “Carbon storage in European Grasslands”, scientific executor.
Supervision of PhD studies
- 2020–2024 Scientific supervisor of A. Skersienė PhD project “Capacity of long-rooted and multicomponent grasslands to sequester carbon in the soil in the rhizosphere zone seeking to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide”.
- 2019–2023 Scientific supervisor of L. Merkevičiūtė-Venslovė PhD project “Quality of conserved forage and factors influencing its changes”.
- 2018–2022 Scientific co-supervisor of D. Petraitytė PhD project “Changes in the chemical composition and technological properties of cereal grains and in the quality of soil as influenced by different fertilization systems”.
- 2017–2021 Scientific supervisor of L. Jurgutis PhD project “The influence of organic substances of industrial origin on soil properties” (doctoral dissertation defended in 2021).
- 2016–2020 Scientific supervisor of K. Duchovski PhD project “The comparison of organic matter and its main components in different soils”.
- 2013–2017 Scientific supervisor of Ž. Staugaitis PhD project “Composition of mobile humic and nitrogen compounds important to soil quality and its changes under cultivation of perennial herbaceous energy crops” (doctoral dissertation defended in 2018).
- 2012–2016 Scientific supervisor of K. Amalevičiūtė PhD project “Influence of renaturalization on carbon stocks and organic matter mobility and hydrophobicity of peat bog soil” (doctoral dissertation defended in 2016).
- 2011–2015 Scientific supervisor of I. Jokubauskaitė PhD project “Variation of soluble and humified carbon in naturally acid, limed and different fertilized Retisols” (doctoral dissertation defended in 2016).
- 2010–2014 Scientific co-supervisor of R. Čepulienė PhD project “Dynamic of accumulation of alelochemical compounds in rapes and its effects of agricultural plants and weeds” (doctoral dissertation defended in 2014).
- 2009–2013 Scientific supervisor of R. Staugaitienė PhD project “Content of mobile sulphur in different soils and its influence on plants” (doctoral dissertation defended in 2014).
- 2008–2012 Scientific co-supervisor of D. Nemeikšienė PhD project “Optimization of biological nitrogen circulation by innovative usage of perennial grasses in organic agroecosystem” (doctoral dissertation defended in 2013).
- 2005–2009 Scientific supervisor of I. Liaudanskienė PhD project “The influence of sustainable soil tillage and crop rotations on the distribution of carbon in soil fractions” (doctoral dissertation defended in 2009).
- Member or opponent of Agronomy Council of 15 doctoral dissertation; member of the Commission of one habilitation procedure; scientific practices leader of several doctoral and master researches; leader of 3 doctoral students interships; supervisor of 1 post-doc student; leader of 6 scientific practices.
SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (click the link here)