ORCiD iD: 0000-0002-4329-995X
Tel. +370 626 41 491
E-mail: simona.pranaitiene@lammc.lt
Instituto al. 1, Akademija, LT-58344 Kėdainiai dist., Lithuania
2009–2011 Master's degree in Business administration, Lithuanian University of Agriculture (since 2019 Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy).
2005–2009 Bachelor's degree in Environmental engineering, Lithuanian University of Agriculture.
Research field
- Studies of soil physical properties in various agroecosystems
Since 2012 Junior Researcher, Department of Soil and Crop Management, Institute of Agriculture, LAMMC.
Memberships and affiliations with professional organisations
- Since 2012 Member of Lithuanian Soil Science Society
Involvement in programmes and projects
International projects
- 2021–2024 Horizon 2020 EJP SOIL project “Agroecological Strategies for an Efficient Functioning of Plant – Soil Biota Interactions to Increase SOC Sequestration” (AGROECOseqC).
- 2021–2024 EJP Soil European Joint Programme project “Sensor data for downscaling digital soil maps to higher resolutions” (SensRes).
- 2021–2024 Horizon 2020 Programme project “Mechanisms underlying trade-offs between carbon sequestration, greenhouse gas emissions and nutrient losses in soils under conservation agriculture in Europe” (TRACE-Soils).
National projects
- 2019–2021 Ministry of Agriculture project “Glyphosate, metabolite AMPA and gluphosinate residues in the soil and grain and its degradation time”, participant.
- 2017–2021 Lithuanian Research Council High level R&D (SMART) project “Enhancement of the multifunctional properties of legumes in feed and food value chains” (SmartLegume), participant.
- 2015-2018 Research Council of Lithuania National scientific programme “Sustainability of Agro-Forest and Water Ecosystems” project “The influence of long-term contrasting intensity resources management on genesis of different soils and to other agro-ecosystems components” (SIT-9/2015), participant.
- 2015–2018 National scientific programme “Sustainability of Agricultural, Forest and Water Ecosystems” project “Establishment and diversity of a newly emerging cereal pathogen in the agroecosystem due to changing climate and farming practices” (EDNEPA), partipicant.
- 2014–2015 Ministry of Agriculture project “The status of agricultural crops and yield forecast in Lithuania” (No. MT/14-1), partipicant.
SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (click the link here)