Home Lithuanian
Research centre
For agriculture
And forestry

Dr. Sigita Janavičienė

ORCiD iD: 0000-0003-4251-1944
Tel. +370 635 74 997 
E-mail: sigita.janaviciene@lammc.lt  
Instituto al. 1, Akademija, LT-58344 Kėdainiai dist., Lithuania



2014–2019 PhD studies, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry.

2012–2014 Master’s degree in Ecology (Agroecosystems), Faculty of Agronomy, Lithuanian University of Agriculture (since 2019 Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy).

2008–2012 Bachelor’s degree in Ecology, Faculty of Forestry and Ecology (Applied Ecology), Lithuanian University of Agriculture.

Academic degree

2019 Doctoral degree in Agronomy, dissertation “Changes in type A and B trichothecenes, important grain quality factors, during cultivation of spring cereals and grain storage“. 

Research fields

  • Studies on mycotoxins in plant products during harvest and storage
  • Investigation of grains and their processed products and quantitative analysis of mycotoxins with a high performance liquid chromatography system, analysis and development of methodologies


Since 2023 Senior Researcher, Plant Pathology and Protection Department, Institute of Agriculture, LAMMC

Involvement in programmes and projects

  • 2020–2022 Project “Toxigenicity of Fusarium graminearum residing in alternative host-plants to wheat as influenced by the environmental conditions“ funded by the European Social Fund under the measure “Development of Competences of Scientists, other Researchers and Students through Practical Research Activities”.
  • 2017–2020 Project “Quality and risk assessment of conserved forages aimed at ensuring high feeding-value forage and well-being for dairy cattle”.
  • 2015–2016 Project “The effects of environmental, biological and chemical factors on Lithuania-grown maize grain yield and quality MT-15-21”.

SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (click the link here)
