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Research centre
For agriculture
And forestry

Dr. Muhammad Ayaz

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8539-1017
E-mail: muhammad.ayaz@lammc.lt
Instituto al. 1, Akademija, LT-58344 Kėdainiai dist., Lithuania



2019–2023 PhD studies, Department of Agroecology and Plant Nutrition, Institute of Agriculture, LAMMC, dissertation “The influence of biochar on Cambisol quality and mitigation of GHG emissions”.

2015–2019 Master Degree in Soil Science, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University China.

2011–2015 Bachelor of Science (Honors) in Soil and Environmental Science, University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan.

Academic degree

2023 Doctoral degree in Agronomy, dissertation „Perspectives of biochar with mineral nitrogen fertilizers for improvement of soil sustainability and crop production in nemoral climatic zone“.

Research fields

  • Soil amendment with biochar and inorganic fertilizer to improve soil environment and crop production
  • Effect of biochar on water use efficiency in spring crop under different irrigation system
  • Soil fertility and plant nutrition


Since 2019 Junior Researcher, Department of Agroecology and Plant Nutrition, Institute of Agriculture, LAMMC.

Memberships and affiliations with professional organisations

  • Since 2014 Member of Soil Science society of Pakistan
  • 2019–2020 President of local committee AUP-Pakistan of international forestry student association (ifsa.net).

Involvement in programmes and projects

  • Since 2022 EJP SOIL programme HORIZON 2020, project “Soil Ecosystem services and soil threats modelling and mapping” (SERENA), junior researcher.

SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (click the link here)
