ORCiD iD: 0000-0003-3847-5004
E-mail: virmantas.povilaitis@lammc.lt
Instituto al. 1, Akademija, LT-58344 Kėdainiai distr., Lithuania
2006–2011 PhD studies, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry.
2004–2006 Master’s degree in Agronomy, Faculty of Agronomy, Lithuanian University of Agriculture (since 2019 Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy).
2000–2004 Bachelor’s degree in Applied Ecology, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Šiauliai University.
Academic degree
2011 Doctor of Biomedical Sciences (Agronomy), dissertation “Aspects of cereal yield formation in agroecosystems of different intensity”.
Research field
- Peculiarities of plant biomass formation and modelling
Since 2014 Senior Researcher, Department of Plant Nutrition and Agroecology, Institute of Agriculture, LAMMC.
Memberships and affiliations with professional organisations
- Member of the Lithuanian Soil Science Society at the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
Involvement in programmes and projects
- 2022–2024 ERA-NETs SusAn, FACCE ERA-GAS, ICT-AGRI-FOOD and SusCrop project “Connecting sustainable agroecosystems and farming with circular bioeconomy and new technologies” (ConnectFarms), leader at the Institute of Agriculture.
- 2020–2023 Facce Surplus programme “Sustainable and resilient agriculture for food and non-food systems”, project “Biofortified and climate-resilient food and fodder production on marginal soils”, leader of Lithuania's part.
- 2019–2021 Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania project “Glyphosate, metabolite AMPA and gluphosinate residues in the soil and grain and its degradation time”.
- 2017–2019 Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania project “The use of digestate for the fertilization of agricultural crops”.
- 2012–2015 ESF project “Scientific validation of C3 and C4 herbaceous plants’ multi-functionality for innovative technologies: phyto-raw materials abio-products on environmental effects”.
- 2010–2011 Nacional Research Programme “Ecosystems in Lithuania: Climate Change and Human Impact” project “Changes in segetal flora and management measures in agrarian landscape under climate change”.
- 2009 Scientists group project “Abiotic and biotic factors on the landscape components (small basin modeling)”.
- 2009 Scientists group project “Fundamental pedosphere gas components circuit simulation heterogeneous landscape”.
- 2008 Ministry of Agriculture project “Lithuanian climatic conditions adapted to drought criteria for the identification method”.
- 2011–2013 EU Baltic Sea Region Programme project “Baltic Forum for Innovation Technologies for Sustainable Manure Management”.
- 2009–2012 EU Baltic Sea Region Programme project “The Baltic Sea Region Bioenergy Promotion”.
SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (click the link here)