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Research centre
For agriculture
And forestry

Dr. Dalia Feizienė

ORCiD iD: 0000-0002-3523-9076
E-mail: dalia.feiziene@lammc.lt
Instituto al. 1, Akademija, LT-58344 Kėdainiai dist., Lithuania


1979–1984 Scientific Agronomist, Faculty of Agronomy, Lithuanian Academy of Agriculture (since 2019 Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy). 

Academic degree

1992 Doctor of Biomedical Sciences (Agronomy), dissertation “Effectiveness of mineral fertilisers on the sloping land in Western Lithuania”.

Research fields

  • Soil sustainability and quality
  • Soil respiration and GHG emissions
  • Sustainability of agroecosystems
  • Sustainable soil and crop management
  • Compatibility of mechanism between carbon sequestration, GHG emissions and soil nutrient losses using different agrotechnologies


Since 2019 Chief Researcher of Department of Plant Nutrition and Agroecology, Institute of Agriculture, LAMMC.

Memberships and affiliations with professional organisations

  • Member of Nordic Association of Agricultural Science (NJF)
  • Member of the Lithuanian Soil Science Society
  • Member of the Editorial Board of LAMMC and VDU ŽŪA scientific journal “Žemdirbystė=Agriculture”
  • Member of the Editorial Board of VGTU scientific journal “Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management”
  • Expert of Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA)

Involvement in programmes and projects

International projects

  • 2022–2025 HORIZON EUROPE project “The NUTRI-CHECK NETwork to maximise site-specific precision in managing the nutrition of European arable crops” (NUTRICHECK-NET), coordinator at the Institute of Agriculture.
  • 2022–2024 Horizon 2020 programme project “Soil Ecosystem services and soil threats modelling and mapping” (SERENA).
  • 2021–2024 Horizon 2020 programme project “Mechanisms underlying TRAde-offs between Carbon sequestration, greenhouse gas Emissions and nutrient losses in Soils under conservation agriculture in Europe” (TRACE-Soils), coordinator at the Institute of Agriculture.
  • 2021–2022 Horizon 2020 programme project “Stocktaking for agricultural soil quality and ecosystem services indicators and their reference values” (SIREN).
  • 2020–2024 Horizon 2020 programme project “Towards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils” (EJP SOIL).
  • 2004–2006 CP 6 project FOOD-CT-2004-003375 “Co-operation in ecological farming between EU and associated countries-candidates” (CHANNEL).

National projects

  • 2017–2021 Participation in the projects of the LAMMC long-term research programme “Productivity and Sustainability of Agricultural and Forest Soils” (2022–2026):

2022–2026 “The tendencies of development of Cambisols and Retisols under contrasting land management conditions”.

2020–2024 “The influence of biochar on quality of Cambisol and GHG emission”.

2019–2022 “The effectiveness of biochar application on sandy loam Cambisol”.

2018–2021 “Stabilization of soil quality parameters by bioproducts application”.

2018–2024 “Soil sobtion capability improvement and GHG emissions reduction by applying by-products of agricultural origin on loam soil of Central Lithuania”.

2017–2020 “The influence of plant cover and water retention on physico-chemical and biophysical properties of soils of different genesis”.

  • 2021–2022 Project “Independent application of good agricultural practicies in a farm – virtual adviser for farmers” (No. 35BV-KK-18-1-06615-PR001) according to LCP 2014–2020 m. „Co-operation” action “Support for establishment and development of EIP activity groups”.
  • 2020–2022 MA RL project “Evaluation of different crop management technologies according to economic, energy and environmental wiev point“ (MT-20-7) according to measure „Support of research projects for agriculture, food industry and fisheries for 2015–2020”.
  • 2020–2022 MA RL project “Evaluation of fibrous hemp as accumulator of organic carbon in long-term products and in soil for calculation GHG emission” according to measure „Support of research projects for agriculture, food industry and fisheries for 2015–2020”.
  • 2020 MA RL project “Aternative production of biomass sourcess (among them protein production) in primary agriculture: technological decissions, their application for bioeconomy – energy, feed and food” according to measure “Support of research projects for agriculture, food industry and fisheries for 2015–2020”.
  • 2019–2021 MA RL project “Complexic investigation and economic-environmental evaluation of zero tillage (No-till) technology” according to measure „Support of research projects for agriculture, food industry and fisheries for 2015–2020”.
  • 2018–2019 Project “Application of multifuntional features of leguminous plants in food and feed chains“ (SmartLegume) (Agreement 2017-12-19, No. DOTSUT-219 (01.2.2-LMT-K-718-01-0068)
  • 2018–2020 “Information, advision, teaching by means of IT for crop protection purposes” (No. 02.3.1-CPVA-V-529-01-0003), MTC RL support for 2014–2020 EU funding of investition of 2nd priority “Development of informative society“ (02.3.1-CPVA-V-529) measure “Modern IT services development”.
  • 2017–2019 MA RL project “Stock-taking of GHG emission in crop production farms”. according to measure “Support of research projects for agriculture, food industry and fisheries for 2015–2020”.
  • 2017–2019 MA RL project “Evaluate C sequestration potential in crop production sector” according to measure “Support of research projects for agriculture, food industry and fisheries for 2015–2020”.
  • 2015–2020 “Investigation of different methods for straw management in an intensive crop rotation”.
  • 2016–2021 “Investigation of soils of different genesis and geoecological potential under contrasting land management conditions”.
  • 2015–2018 Project “The influence of long-term contrasting intensity resources management on genesis of different soils and to other agro-ecosystems components (AGROTVARA, No. SIT-9/2015)” as a part of the National scientific programme “Sustainability of agro-forest and water ecosystems”.
  • 2012–2015 ESF project “Scientific validation of C3 and C4 herbaceous plants’ multi-functionality for innovative technologies: phyto-raw materials – bio-products – environmental effects” (No. VP1-3.1-ŠMM-08-K-01-023).
  • 2008 SSF project “Climate change impact on soil CO2 flux and plant chlorophyll fluorescence in the different agro-environments” (No. T-59/08).
  • 2008 SSF project “Soil termal, mechanical and chemical properties infringement and adaptation under climate change conditions” (No. T-41/08).
  • 2008 SSF project “Changes in productivity of agroecosystems under climate changing conditions“ (AGROKAITA2) (No. M-08013) according to SSF action „Fund initiated programmes – ministries financed projects”.
  • 2007 SSF project “Stability and sustainability of agroecosystems under climate chaning conditions” (AGROKAITA) (No. M-07010) according to SSF action „Fund initiated programmes – ministries financed projects”.
  • 2007 SSF project “Investigation of soil multifuntional changes according to environmental protection and sustainability indices” (No. T-87/07).
  • 2007 SSF project “Soil sustainability increasing and supporting by applying integrated engineer and agronomic means” (No. G-04/07).
  • 2006 SSF project “Analysis of economic and phytosanitaric situation of oil-seed rape under modern agrotechnologies application” (No. G-18/06).
  • 2006 SSF project “Soil sustainability increasing and supporting by applying integrated engineer and agronomic means” (No. G-26/06).
  • 2005 SSF project “Evaluation of economic and energetic potential yield and its quality of winter wheat under modern soil tillage systems by applying sustainable and intensive fertilization and pesticides application” (No. G-154).
  • 2002 SSF project “Soil's integrity properties preservation and improvement” (No. T-541).

Supervision of PhD studies

  • 2020–2024 PhD student M. Ayaz, PhD project “The influence of biochar on quality of Cambisol and GHG emission”, scientific supervisor.
  • 2020–2024 PhD student A. Bakšinskaitė, PhD project “Effective usage of organic and organic-mineral fertilisers for plant and soil quality and reduction of GHG emission”, scientific advisor.
  • 2020–2024 PhD student S. Swify, PhD project “The influence compounds of urea as fertiliser on different types of soil”, scientific advisor.
  • 2018–2022 PhD student A. Jurys, PhD project “Stabilization of soil qualitative parameters with bioproducts”, scientific supervisor.
  • 2015 PhD student D. Aidukaitė, PhD project „The influence of soil quality and meteorological conditions on GHG (CO2, N2O and CH4) fluxes in different agroecosystems”, scientific supervisor.
  • 2012–2016 PhD student A. Putramentaitė, PhD project “Long-term changes of the soil properties in different agroecosystems and their complex influence on agrocenosis”, scientific advisor.
  • 2009–2013 PhD student A. Vaidelienė, PhD project “The investigation of agrophysical and agrochemical factors in different crop management systems”, scientific supervisor.
  • 2005–2008 PhD student G. Kadžienė, PhD project “Integrated assessment of the variation of soil properties in different soil tillage – fertilization systems”, scientific advisor.

SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (click the link here)
