Home Lithuanian
Research centre
For agriculture
And forestry

Klaudija Meižienė

Tel. +370 678 12 121
E-mail: klaudija.meiziene@lammc.lt
Instituto al. 1, Akademija, LT-58344 Kėdainiai dist., Lithuania


Since 2024 Doctoral studies in the field of agronomic sciences, dissertation topic “Maintaining of soil potential through integrated crop management and sustainable tillage”, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry.

2021–2023 Faculty of Chemical Technology, Kaunas University of Technology, master’s degree in chemical engineering

2017–2021 Faculty of Chemical Technology, Kaunas University of Technology, bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering

Research field

  • The impact of sustainable tillage and integrated plant growing technologies on soil potential


Since 2024, PhD student at the Department of Soil and Crop Management, Institute of Agriculture, LAMMC.
